April 2019 MPV sales list


Song MAX finally succeeded in taking the two seat position, and after that there was GL8 and other eyeing. And the top ten list of MPV also welcomed the new face. It was expected to move forward again in just two months.

April 2019 MPV sales ranking

rankingVehicle typeSales volume in AprilAccumulated in 2019
OneWuling HongguangTwenty-three thousand one hundred and eighty-twoOne hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred and fifty-eight
TwoBYD song MAXSeven thousand seven hundred and ninety-fourTwenty-five thousand five hundred and nineteen
ThreeBuick GL8Seven thousand and eighty-eightThirty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-two
FourDongfeng popular wisdomFive thousand four hundred and ninety-eightTwenty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
FiveHonda OdysseyFour thousand two hundred and thirtyEleven thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
SixGeelyFour thousand and thirty-sixSeven thousand one hundred and twenty-one
SevenJianghuai refineThree thousand two hundred and seventy-eightFourteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
EightPo Chun 730Three thousand and seventy-fourThirty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-five
NineHonda Aili gentryTwo thousand and nine hundredNine thousand one hundred and forty-seven
TenChangan OnoTwo thousand eight hundred and thirty-threeEleven thousand six hundred and twenty-two
ElevenSAIC chase G50Two thousand seven hundred and fifty-nineNine thousand one hundred and forty
TwelveGuang Qi Chuan Qi GM6Two thousand seven hundred and forty-twoTwelve thousand eight hundred and fifty
ThirteenGuang Qi Chuan Qi GM8Two thousand four hundred and fifty-sixSix thousand nine hundred and twenty-two
FourteenBuick GL6Two thousand one hundred and fifty-fourTen thousand eight hundred and eighty-six
FifteenPo Chun 360Two thousand and thirtyTwenty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-six
SixteenVolkswagen road safetyOne thousand five hundred and ninety-fiveFive thousand one hundred and ninety-eight
SeventeenSAIC chase G10One thousand five hundred and forty-nineFour thousand seven hundred and seventy-six
EighteenScenery 330One thousand three hundred and thirty-twoEight thousand seven hundred and seventy-six
NineteenMercedes Benz V classOne thousand two hundred and forty-sixFour thousand six hundred and sixty-seven
TwentyGold Ge RuisiOne thousand one hundred and ninety-sixSix thousand and thirty-eight
Twenty-oneVitoEight hundred and forty-sevenThree thousand three hundred and two
Twenty-twoChangan Long MarchEight hundred and threeEight hundred and forty-seven
Twenty-threeKai Rui K50Seven hundred and ninety-nineTwo thousand four hundred and six
Twenty-fourFukuda Monte ParkFive hundred and forty-sevenTwo thousand one hundred and forty-two
Twenty-fiveLifan Xuan LangFive hundred and twenty-twoOne thousand three hundred and seventy-nine
Twenty-sixKai Teng EX-80Five hundred and fourteenNine hundred and eighty-four
Twenty-sevenNissan NV200Five hundred and fourOne thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine
Twenty-eightAuchan, ChanganThree hundred and forty-fourSeven thousand nine hundred and ten
Twenty-nineChangan Auchan A800Two hundred and sixty-eightFour thousand five hundred and forty-three
ThirtyBeiqi magic speed H3Two hundred and sixty-sevenFive thousand eight hundred and seventy-four
Thirty-oneDongfeng handsome guestTwo hundred and forty-eightThree hundred and seventy-one
Thirty-twoWild horse spike cardTwo hundred and fifteenOne thousand one hundred and three
Thirty-threeHippocampus V70One hundred and eighty-nineThree hundred and seventy-one
Thirty-fourYing Zhi 727One hundred and seventy-sevenNine hundred and sixty-six
Thirty-fiveHuachen Jinbei 750One hundred and sixty-nineOne thousand one hundred and fifty-four
Thirty-sixAuchan COSMOS (Ke Shang)One hundred and sixty-oneOne thousand six hundred and fifty-one
Thirty-sevenYing Zhi 737One hundred and fifty-sixSeven hundred and nineteen
Thirty-eightGold cup F50One hundred and forty-fiveNine hundred and seventy-four
Thirty-eightFutian IXOne hundred and forty-fiveSeven hundred and ninety-one
Thirty-eightBeiqi magic speed H2One hundred and forty-fiveTwo thousand nine hundred and thirty-three
Forty-oneScenery 370One hundred and twenty-eightFour hundred and forty-seven
Forty-twoKai Chen M50VEighty-fourOne thousand three hundred and seventy-two
Forty-threeChanghe furida M50Thirty-oneOne thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight
Forty-fourNa Zhijie big 7MPVTwenty-oneThirty-five
Forty-fiveHua Song 7SevenNine
Forty-sixSAIC chase EG10FourFifty-one
Forty-sevenBeiqi magic speed H5ThreeThree hundred and thirty-eight

Note: sales volume data are from the data of the Federation of vehicles released by the selected vehicle network.

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